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Science Fiction Fanzines, Webzines, etc.

Dave Langford's award-winning fanzine (now also an e-zine).

Apehelion: The Webzine of Science Fiction and Fantasy
A beautifully designed, very interesting sci fi e-zine.

Clarkesworld Magazine
"Clarkesworld is a monthly science fiction and fantasy magazine first published in October 2006. Each issue contains at least two pieces of original fiction from new and established authors." (from "About us")

"Britain's longest running science fiction and fantasy magazine, and which since 1982 has launched the careers of a great many SF and Fantasy writers." (from "About" page)

Jim Baen's Universe
Has ceased/will be ceasing production of new issues in 2010.  A 1-year subscription will get you 1 year of full back issue access.

Locus Online
Locus is the monthly magazine of science fiction news and information. Very good on publishing and fandom news.

SFX Online
The online site of SFX, an excellent monthly British science fiction magazine. Breaking news, other stuff.

Weird Tales
"Weird Tales is the place where two storytelling concepts meet: speculative and alternative. In 1923, when the magazine was originally founded, those two ideas amounted to the same thing. Weird Tales was launched to showcase writers trying to publish stories so bizarre and far out, no one else would publish them — stories of unearthly dimensions and dark possibilities, gothic seductresses and cosmic monstrosities. Today, Weird Tales carries that mission forward into the 21st century, finding the most talented new writers, artists, and creators whose visions are too incredible to fit within the comfortable little boxes of everyday experience." (from "About" page)

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Last updated: 2010-03-04